About our Project

The Texas Indigenous Food Project

Mission Statement

Celebrate first foods of Texas and the Americas


The Texas Indigenous Food Project is a not-for-profit, 501 (c) 3 corporation.

Board of Directors

Patricia S. Castillo, L.M.S.W.
Florencia Velasco Fortner
Richard Jiménez, DrPh
Adán Medrano
Mario Montaño, PhD
Christine Ortega


The Texas Indigenous Food Project promotes the understanding of Texas native food history and culture, so that by recapturing ancestral knowledge, communities in Texas and throughout the Americas will be better grounded in solidarity and sustainability and will heighten their enjoyment of good food and good health.

Activities we undertake:

  • Produce and distribute documentaries, television programs, podcasts and other digital media.
  • Produce and distribute written materials.
  • Organize seminars and public conferences.
  • Promote academic research.
  • Promote cooking laboratories.
  • Organize indigenous and contemporary dining experiences.
  • Organize indigenous and contemporary cultural and educational events and experiences.

